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Fishing Money Problems Couples

Written By Unknown on Thursday, March 10, 2011 | 10:39 PM

Disagreement in the household-related money caused by several factors, such as Tom described the following:

1. The role of husband and wife
The role of husbands and wives are assumed to be a source of marital conflict, which is always associated with money. Under conditions of modern society, the role of husband and wife could no longer use the assumption. For example, a wife's career and higher income. In fact, the current husband's income is less. The role is assumed that the husband had earned more than the wife is at the root of financial problems triggered couples. In fact, the main problem is not in money, but more understanding about the role of husband and wife who has not kept pace.

2. Different communication styles
The relationship couples in the household will experience dysfunction due to communication problems. Both husband and wife have their priorities in the use of finances. Husband thought by giving as much money to his wife or family, it will solve all problems. While the wife considers not much money solution, but rather on how the money will be used and what the priorities of the family. Money then regarded as the easiest means of communication, but money can not answer all the problems.

3. The lack of affection
If the compact couples relationship, good communication and the presence of a strong emotional bond to make money issue can be discussed. Unfortunately, the affection in couples relationships thinned so that money back into the source of problems that destroy relationships. If the emotional connection is established good couples, with the attention, feelings of love, touch, mutual respect and listen, and create harmonious atmosphere, very family financial problems could be solved. If you say love conquers all, this concept can be practiced when couples face problems including over money.

4. Different Priorities
Causes of conflict-related household finances more conical in differences in the character, habits or traits of childhood, which eventually form different priorities, both the husband and wife. Couples who lack recognize each character due to a lack of affection before, then be stuck in a prolonged financial conflicts. Because the couple finally has its own objectives and priorities for the use of different financial direction.

Habit or experience that brought the husband or wife since childhood from his family also influential. For example, you are given pocket money since childhood without limits and always spent. These habits form character so whatever money you earn and giving husband was always gone, never to be saved. Or you've had a bitter experience in the past about the school, for example, so you want to make sure your child will get a good education at school most or least expensive.

The differences in the past life experiences when not discussed with the couple eventually could lead to the opposite priority use of money. Communication will not be tied good if couples minimal affection. So all interrelated factors, which then couples with conflict muddy mengambinghitamkan money.
10:39 PM | 0 komentar | Read More

Why Women Saving Difficult

Women complained of the financial deficit in the household, but also did not restrict himself from konsumtifnya behavior. Finally, women workers and the mother of the family economy advocates found it difficult to make ends meet. Financial condition is often not left each month, even the deficit.

The location of the problem is actually not due to minimal income, but how to manage finances well, making priorities, and discipline their management of family finances. In fact, many women do not realize the importance of saving, and believes that its income is fully allocated to savings. Provided that reducing consumption is not an important priority.

Nini Sumohandoyo, Corporate Marketing & Communications Director Prudential Indonesia, said the awareness of women to save money is still low. This is experienced by women workers or housewives who also support families with a variety of business economics.

Less can confine ourselves to shop, either because they join your friends or trend, be a source of financial problems until the deficit. Women as advocates and even the main support of the family economy has had to change the pattern of financial management, clear Nini.

"Most women, with an income of Rp 1.5 to Rp 2 million per month, who worked as street vendors, for instance, does not have a savings account at a bank. The money just kept at home and easy to run out, even disappear. Women have been socialized that they should save the results of their hard work, "said Nini told Compass Female, in between training management and financial planning (financial literacy) to 300 women street vendors of the Association of sidewalk vendors Indonesia (APKLI) DKI Jakarta, at Wisma Mandiri

With the ability to manage money, including setting aside money for savings, the woman could alleviate its financial problems. At least women can also reduce his burden because in addition to work, there are other more responsibility attached to women, the care of children and families.
10:37 PM | 0 komentar | Read More

Many People Have No Savings

Although the call to save money we have heard since I was in elementary school, was until now there are many people who do not have savings. What is meant here is not the people who live below the poverty line, you know. Those who have a steady job and a pretty lavish lifestyle that many of his account balance at the end of the month left only hundreds of thousands of dollars.

In America, 45 percent of people surveyed by MetLife insurance agency pleaded not able to pay bills-bills for more than a month suppose they lost their jobs. Meanwhile, 65 percent said it would not be able to cover expenses for three months.

Not surprisingly, in a study titled "The American Dream" which was held on April 14 to 21 and that, as much as 55 percent of Americans are also very worried about them losing their jobs. This country is struggling to recover from its worst recession since the time of the Great Depression that occurred in 1929. In June, 14.6 million people (or 9.5 percent of workers) have lost their jobs, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics notes. About half of these workers, or 6.8 million people have been unemployed for six months or more.

Although the statistics may seem alarming, the researchers MetLife still see a glimmer of hope. According to Beth Hirschhorn, senior vice president for global brand and marketing services at MetLife, since last year actually already been improvements. "The only people that benefit are already aware of this and make changes," he said.

In a study conducted MetLife seen that Americans are far more active than the previous year and focus more on improving its financial responsibilities. Three-quarters of Americans reported to have reduced spending and more people are recognizing that to be financially responsible, the American dream is achievable.

Even so, there are still millions of Americans who are struggling financially. Nearly half of those surveyed say willing to give money to family members in order to pay the bills-bills. This means that many Americans who rely on "family bank" to survive in a recession. "This loan is a loan for a lifetime," he said.

What matters more, even though they've tried to change the shopping habits or lifestyle, these desired improvements can not be immediately reached. This is because they are also still in debt that many in number, in addition to uncertain economic conditions.
10:36 PM | 0 komentar | Read More

Saving Never Enough, Start Investing

If you and your husband is currently thought to plan for the child's education fund or pension fund, in what way do you prefer? Saving or investing?

Take for example, college tuition plan for a child in a period of 18 years. Because college costs are always rising due to inflation, you need to set aside Rp 3.5 to Rp 6 million per month in savings. This fee shall be excluded from your income and husband, outside of or other routine expenses. Try calculations, if you and your husband have this capability?

"Saving money is not sufficient because of inflation. The solution is an investment with long-term risk, over 10 years," said financial planner Ligwina Hananto, when the talk show "Mutual Funds: Know First Then Buy" tabloid Cash held some time ago.

Ligwina asserted, saving can be done for short-term needs, four years. For example for the preparation of the Kindergarten school. But when it comes to higher education, more funds are needed, taking into account the inflation rate every year.

"Inflation is the cost of kindergarten-high school education level could reach 20 percent per year. Inflation rate colleges rose an average of 15 percent per year. Even if there are schools that the inflation rate low, but remained higher tuition," explained Ligwina.

Inflation became the main consideration why investment into financial solutions kelaurga. This also applies to the preparation of the pension fund. Because if you rely on savings for retirement 25-35 years, it would require USD 75 million - USD 135 million per month. This amount is too large for savings, right? It was no ordinary employee salaries provide for this.

"If the age of 25 years, by investing USD 587 000 per month you prepare for retirement easier. For ages 35 years, you can invest Rp 2 million per month. They get the same return on investment target by 25 percent per year," said Ligwina, explain how the investment to provide financial solutions more ease and profitable than saving for retirement funds.
10:35 PM | 0 komentar | Read More

3 Error Saving

error when saving until now. What are some common mistakes that often occur about saving money?

1. Waiting for the remaining money
Once you get a paycheck, the money should be directly debited to your savings, you spend the rest new. If you wait for the rest of the money, you are more easily tempted to spend money that could be misconstrued as "money left"is.

2. Have only one account
With only one account, you will not know how much money you've mixed the tube due to daily expenses. Worse yet, you're tempted to spend more because they feel there is still money. With separate accounts, you are more easily control the money savings.

3. Withdraw money at the beginning
His intention was only to take a little, but if this is done every week, over time your money will not breed your goal probably will not be achieved. To minimize this, use the account
10:34 PM | 0 komentar | Read More

8 Forcing Self-Saving Tricks

Here are eight ways recommended by Malkiel and Ellis to make you use the money more often, and save more often.

1. Recognize the use of your credit card. Credit card users that discipline can get rewards points by using his credit card for all spending, but pay the entire bill on time. If you lack self control, you should use a debit card just to make sure your expenses are not greater than your account balance. Observe your billing statement to find out where you spend your money.

2. Let someone else pay for you. How do I? For example, you follow a defined contribution pension fund. Ask the bank to arrange for automatic deposit to withdraw your funds. Thus, you will not forget to deposit the pension fund because the funds are automatically withdrawn from your account balance.

3. Deposit of salary and other income into a savings account. You will not be given the opportunity to utilize the excess money to spend excessive, if you have to transfer it to another account. Do this as soon as you receive a salary, rather than after thinning salary.

4. When you pay for purchases with credit cards, write down your expenses immediately. With a note, you will know that if "the fund shopping" has reached a certain amount, you can no longer go shopping. You also do not be surprised when the credit card bill comes, and you'll have enough money to pay the full (balance) portion of the claim.

5. Transfer remaining salary money to another bank account. You may not need a "small change" remaining salary this month. However, if you always move the remaining balance of the end of the month to another account, at the end of the year you could use the money for a holiday lunch or buy a branded item you want.

6. Save your pocket money. Bring their own lunch from home, or buy a sachet of coffee for coffee-coffee substitute event after work, will greatly save your expenses. You can enter a sum of the price of coffee that you buy at the coffee shop into a special box to save a dime. At other times when you need money to do treatment or facial hair, you can take money from it.

7. Get used to pay debts. What does he mean? When you complete the payment of debts in installments until the debt is paid off, keep aside a sum of installments to be transferred to another bank account. So, as if you are debt, but actually you are saving.

8. It's hard to decide which boss you want to buy? You should not have to immediately make a decision at that time. Allow yourself to lower the tension by coming home alone. After the heart and your mind clear again, usually you will not be returned to the store to buy the goods.
10:32 PM | 0 komentar | Read More

People Indonesia Not Disciplined Saving

Research shows, more and more people realize the importance of financial planning and how to manage money properly. Financial independence a goal many people, especially those aged mature and have an average income of Rp 10 million per month, both men and women. Education about personal financial governance seems to have a positive impact for those who have financial facilities such as credit card and bank account. An understanding of how to plan and manage the finances of this makes 89 percent of Indonesian people feel more optimistic about facing the future with financial independence.

Citigroup Asia Pacific released the results of research done in 2010 through online interviews to 500 respondents across Indonesia. The result shows that the financial value quotient for Indonesia is 57 out of 100 points. This value is higher than the previous year, 52. Financial quotient is a term used to indicate awareness of Citigroup's financial condition and ability to understand the importance of financial planning, and implement good financial governance. Through this research, Citigroup suggests that many Indonesian people who are concerned about financial planning.

Research is also mentioned, most of Indonesian people with average income of Rp 10 million per month to feel optimistic about his financial future. More than 60 percent of respondents also claimed full pay credit card bills regularly. Even so, with such income, only 67 percent of respondents who are accustomed to saving regularly.

"While 24 percent tried to save money when possible, at year-end bonus, or when receiving holiday allowances. That is, those with an income of USD 10 million is still a lot that has not been disciplined to the habit of saving even though they realize that financial planning is important," said Hotman Simbolon , Vice President of Customer Care Center, Head of Citibank, in the ordinary Class Journalist Citibank in Jakarta, Wednesday (03.02.2011) ago.

Although Indonesia has increased the awareness of people in financial planning, in practice only 47 percent of respondents who admitted he made to the budget monthly. Meanwhile, says Hotman, 38 percent of people already making a budget but still trying to apply it.
10:30 PM | 0 komentar | Read More Techie Blogger